Why Is My Hair Poofy After I Straighten It In A Permanent Hair Straightening Salon?

Why Is My Hair Poofy After I Straighten It In A Permanent Hair Straightening Salon?

When you straighten your hair, you want to keep it straight. Unfortunately, it gets poofy, and you might be wondering, why is my hair poofy after I straighten it? According to expert stylists working in permanent hair straightening salon, there are plenty of reasons your hair might be getting poofy. Some of these reasons include:

You don’t use hair conditioners.

How do you handle your hair after washing it with shampoo? Do you use a hair conditioner? If you don’t, this might be the reason your hair is getting poofy. Shampoos wash away the oils that provide hair with moisture, so when you don’t condition it, you end up with poofy hair.

To keep your hair straight, always use a hair conditioner alongside the hair shampoo. For best results, use a dry shampoo on the day you are planning to straighten the hair. You should note that no two conditioners are the same. For best results, use the conditioner and shampoo designed for your hair type.

When it comes to rinsing the hair, rinse it with cool or cold water. Cold water seals the hair cuticle, which prevents the strands from losing the valuable moisture. As a result, you end up with a sleeker, shiner look.

To minimize the oils you clean from hair, reduce the frequency at which you wash the hair. Instead of washing it every day, do it once every 3-5 days.

When removing excess water from the hair, avoid using materials that can disturb the hair follicles and contribute to the frizz. Gently press the water from the hair with a T-shirt or microfiber cloth. As a rule of thumb, don’t wring or rug the hair aggressively.

You are brushing the hair the wrong way.

You have been brushing your hair since grade school, so it has become second nature, but did you know you might be brushing it the wrong way? The right way of brushing hair is using a wide-toothed comb or simply use your fingers to detangle the hair.

It’s best to comb hair while in the shower after applying hair conditioner, but if the hair is straight, comb it when you get out of the shower. Comb beginning at the ends and work your way up to the roots. Avoid brushing wet hair as it easily gets cut.

You are using the wrong hair products.

If your hair gets poofy fast, you want to use hair products that add a lot of moisture to the hair. Use shampoos designed for dry and curly hair. Avoid hair sprays and mouse as they contain high levels of alcohol content that is known to swell up the hair cuticle.

The alcohol in these products also dry out the hair making it look poofy and start breaking.

To avoid this, use alcohol-free products that reduce frizz. The best products to use are creams and serums.

You are styling your hair too much.

When you got poofy hair, you need to be cautious of the hairstyling methods you are using. You should note that hair straighteners, blow dryers, and curling irons increase puffiness and frizziness, so you should be cautious of using them.

To prevent your hair from getting poofy, comb it with your finger, and do loose hairstyles. If the hair is in a ponytail and you notice it getting too dry, remove the ponytail and use a little leave-in conditioner with your finger.

Parting shot

These are some of the reasons your hair is getting puffy and frizzy after straightening it. Consider the above tips, and you won’t complain of the hair getting poofy again. And get your hair straightened in a reputable Japanese hair straightening salon Olney.

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