Always choose your hairstyle according to your facial features and structure. Here are some of the best hairstyles to experiment with, if you owe a long face.
Hairstyles for long faces
Short styles
The peerless thing about short hair is that they have waves and craggy layers, which makes your face look complete and wide. If you are planning to keep your hair short then always add some bangs to it, as they hide your forehead considerably thereby making your face appear wider. One has the monopoly to style the bangs. For instance, some people like keeping them on the side to look good and stylish.
Medium length styles
Hairstyle which is 1 or 2 inches below the shoulder line is often termed as the medium length hairstyle. For a rich and complete look, add layers to your hair. For long faces do not straighten your hair instead partially curl them so that they look wavy as glossy and straight hair makes your face appear even longer.
Longer styles
Although for long faces, long hairstyles are not favored but if complimented with layers, they make your face look complete and adds fullness to it and the face appears a little shorter. One can also prefer to add bangs to it for a look enriched with fullness.
Styled hair
Styling enables your face to look full and complete, now-a-days various styling products are available in the market which works miraculously. For instance, collagen products help adding collagen bonds to the hair strands, etc. Although styling products works amazingly and styles your hair gracefully, but make a wise choice while purchasing them, always buy them from a recognized store selling authentic products in order to avoid unnecessary damage to your pretty hair.
Parted hair
Parting your hair unisidedly, makes your face appear shorter and elegant but parting your hair from the middle, makes it look even longer and narrower.
Always take the help of an expert stylist while choosing the most trendy hairstyle as he/she will enable you to decide the hairstyle that best compliments your facial structure and features.