How Soon Can You Repeat Keratin Treatment?

How Soon Can You Repeat Keratin Treatment?

Keratin treatment by hair stylist can be expensive, so it’s important to know how long the treatment will last and how soon you should repeat it.

In most cases, people who get a keratin treatment find that their hair looks great for about two months before requiring another treatment.

So how soon can you repeat a keratin treatment? Well, it depends on a number of factors that include:

Hair type

Everyone has a different type of hair so how your hair responds to a keratin treatment is different from everyone else.

Keratin treatment works by coating the hair with protein to make it straight and smooth. The proteins are considered safe, though they do involve a few risks.

If you have thick and coarse hair, you may need to wait a bit longer, up to four months, because such type of hair holds keratin for longer. If you have thin and fine hair, you may need more frequent treatments.

Also, ensure you apply keratin treatment from a trusted hairstylist because if you wait too long to repeat the treatment or use a low-quality brand, your hair may revert to its natural state before the recommended time frame has elapsed.

Maintenance habits

Repeating keratin treatments too soon can damage your hair. But with proper maintenance, you can wait it out for the recommended three months.

If you use heat on your hair frequently, it’s best to wait at least three months between treatments. This will give enough time for your hair to recover from the heat damage.

If you don’t use heat on your hair often, a month or two should be enough between treatments. You’ll be able to maintain that smooth and straight look without stressing out your hair strands and scalp too much with heat.

Also, when washing your hair at home, don’t do it too often, even if it’s with gentle products, as you risk removing the treatment before it has time to set in. 

You should use sulfate-free products, wash at a cool temperature with lukewarm water, and let your hair air dry instead of blowdrying it. 

Type of keratin used

There are three different types of keratin treatments: the traditional formula, express formula, and formaldehyde-free formula.

The traditional formula is designed for people with coarse and curly hair. But the other two are safe for any type of hair.

The straightening effect you get from a keratin treatment can last anywhere from two to four months, depending on the type of treatment you get and the kind of aftercare routine you follow.

It’s always a good idea to check with your stylist to find out what type of keratin treatment was used in your hair so you can know how to go about the after-care process.

If the chemicals contained in the keratin are strong, you can repeat it after three to four months, but you also need to be careful because some chemicals may be too harsh for your hair and cause it to fall out.

The health of your hair before the treatment

If you have extremely damaged hair, you should not visit a keratin treatment salon Rockville until the hair has completely recovered. 

It is best to wait until your hair has grown out and is healthy before undergoing another keratin treatment, or else it won’t be as effective.

Bottom Line

It’s safe to say that when it comes to keratin treatments, the possibilities are endless. Just be sure that you understand your hair type and are aware of its health before repeating the treatment lest you cause lasting damage to your hair.

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