Take extra care of your hair extensions during winter

Take extra care of your hair extensions during winter

It is an undeniable fact, that winter poses an array of threats for your natural hair. The rapid fall of temperature, and the lack of moisture in the water makes it difficult for the hair to stay healthy. Needless to say, that the hair extensions too need extra care to survive the winter and stay frizz free and gorgeous. One of the major mistakes, committed by majority of hair enthusiasts is that they forget that the extensions are made up of 100% human hair. As a result, they are prone to damage due to the styling tools and heat, in addition to the outside environment.  So, this winter, do not neglect your hair extensions, treat them as your natural hair and make them durable.

How to take care of your hair extensions in winter?

Irrespective of the season or weather, it is always recommended to wash the extensions after wearing them for 6th or 8th time.  Wash the hair extensions gently, wash them, condition them and comb them properly, before letting it to dry. Follow these tips to keep them gorgeous and durable:

Pick the shampoos wisely:

Chemicals like sulphates and other ingredients, that are present in your regular shampoo tends to damage the cuticle layer of the hair. In case of natural hair, the damages can be minimized by applying a layer of oil in your scalp. Unfortunately, in case of the hair extensions, such remedies will not work. Thus, it is essential to pick the sulphate free hair products, which are specifically designed for this purpose.

Tangling is unavoidable, but can be controlled with perfect brushing:

Even though tangling is unavoidable in case of European hair extensions, it can be definitely lessened with proper brushing using the loop brushes.

  • Hold the hair roots, to brush gently in the downward direction.
  • Avoid brushes with coarse bristles to minimise tangling.
  • Brush your hair twice a day, and use a detangling caddy to smoothen the process.

Never do ‘ball and lather’ with hair extensions:

Even if you are using 100% human hair extensions rockville, you have to treat them gently. Use sulphate free shampoo and conditioner thoroughly, and comb your hair from the weft up to the ends by holding them straight. Avoid the “ball and lather method” because you must not strain the hair bond and cause damage. Support the hair bond, by holding it in the right posture while brushing, and you will get the best results.

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